Fear Free Birth | Calmer Birth Experiences

Doula & Sleep Consultant | Marcia Horbacio - Trustworthy and dependable doula care

Doula & Sleep Consultant | Marcia Horbacio - Trustworthy and dependable doula care

Childbirth Education

As a pregnant woman, I was four times scared of childbirth. As a doula I want to change that.

Marcia dressed in red, smiling

An anthropologist once asked her students what words came to mind when they thought of childbirth. She only heard negative words like: pain, fear, screaming, and blood. Then she asked if any of them had watched a birth before. Most had not.

Births portrayed in the media are no better. 

This course is a 6-module/class program that will equip you with tools to start practicing after 20 weeks of pregnancy to reduce or eliminate your anxiety about labor. It can be done in 6 meetings or in one weekend, depending on your needs.

So I want to ask you a few questions to help you to decide if this course is for you.

  1. Are you feeling unheard about your anxiety and fear of birth?
  2. Are you hoping to have a natural birth but feel very scared of pain?
  3. Are you feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information you are getting?


Class 1- On- Line Module

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness
  • The role of the doula and the partner during childbirth
  • How birth starts – hormones in birth
  • Birth stages – how the pregnant person feels physically. Emotional map of labor. Pushing stage, birth of placenta and maternal stabilization.
  • Anatomy and Physiology of childbirth – Seven Cardinal Movements
  • Best positions for each stage of labor – how to facilitate the baby’s lightening


Class 2 – On line Module

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change
  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team
  • How to prepare for a Fear Free Birth – Tools to deal with anxiety in pregnancy and birth.
  • Cycle Fear-Tension-Pain
  • Birth interventions Part I: Fetal monitoring, IV fluids, Vacuum, forceps, episiotomy. (benefits, risks and alternatives for each intervention)
  • Birth interventions Part II: Induction, Epidural, C-section. (Benefits, risks and alternatives for each intervention)


Class 3 – On-line module

  • Bottle feeding
  • Breastfeeding


Class 4 – On- Line module

  • Birth and postpartum Plan.
  • Postpartum at the hospital – Postpartum in the first hours and breastfeeding
  • Vitamin K for the baby (evidence)
  • Eye drops for the baby (evidence)
  • Postpartum at home – first weeks


Class 5 – in-home

  • Non-pharmacologic Comfort Measures and Pain Management Techniques (breathing techniques, position changes, massage, acupressure, aromatherapy, water, Tens Machine, laughing gas)
  • Birth rehearsal


Class 6 – in-home

  • Newborn care: diaper change, bathing the baby, umbilical cord care, nail care, burping techniques, how to dress the baby according to temperature, pacifier use.
  • Newborn sleep: sleep safety, AAP rules for safe sleep, how the newborn sleeps, how the parents sleep in the postpartum phase.


Investiment: CAD 120.00 plus taxes per on-line class

CAD 135 plus taxes per in-home classes

Please note that Class 1-4 are on-line and 5 and 6 are in-home classes.

You can buy the classes individually in case you want to skip a module that you are not interested in.

Obs: Each class takes 1.5-2.5hours. Those are private classes. (for the couple)


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