Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine- Isaiah 43:1

As a doula, I offer comprehensive physical, emotional, and informational support to all my clients. I love working with women from diverse backgrounds, and I do not discriminate against anyone. I think everyone who is going to give birth deserves my loving and caring support.
As a devout Catholic, my faith in Christ is central to my life. He is my first love and destiny. This profound connection led me to train as a Catholic Doula, enabling me to offer spiritual support to those who desire it. Overtime, I have observed that people who choose to invite Him into their birth have a uniquely special experience.
My name is Liliany Pupim. In 2021 I got pregnant and Marcia was my doula. We developed a relationship I found out how incredible Marcia is. She lives her life with faith and wisdom. I am Catholic and to receive her spiritual support knowing we shared the same beliefs was very important to me

I hired Marcia as my postpartum doula and her presence was always calm and soothing. Sharing the same faith as me, Marcia always reminded me in tough times that we have the rosary to pray and ask for strength and protection of our Lady and her Son. The spiritual support was priceless

Having a Christian doula on the most important day of my life was comforting and very special. I knew I was spiritually protected.

Marcia was my doula and supported me during my cesarean section. She is a woman of God and I learned a lot from her experience and faith. She was very important to me during my birth, she is forever in my heart.

Having Marcia as a Doula was an incredible experience. We received a recommendation through friends who had already hired Marcia’s services. Marcia has a lot of qualities! She was extremely attentive, kind and human throughout my pregnancy. We had some issues during my process, but Marcia knew how to be super patient, guiding us and teaching us everything about the time of birth.
But for us the most important thing was knowing that she was a Catholic Doula. My husband and I are Christians, and without a doubt, all prayers were essential during the birth. I would recommend Marcia and her Catholic Doula Service a thousand times. And certainly a difference compared to other doulas on the market. Thank you Marcia

How does spiritual support work?
- I pray with the family once a month for the baby, the mother, and my work with them. If the family is Catholic, we pray the rosary together, if the mother is Christian or practices another faith we still pray to God.
- If the family is Catholic we go to adoration together at least one time during pregnancy.
- In our prenatal sessions we practice how we will pray during contractions.
- Along with my physical, emotional, and informational support, during birth we will practice meditation and pray together.